March 4th- my birthday. I always wonder about the weather. Was it this cold that day? was there snow on the ground? did my Mom have trouble getting to the hospital?

Whatever it was then, it' freezzzinggg now. I'm dressed for it, but that does not mean I like it. I have enough light to see by.

but the street lamps are still lit. they are so nice

Happy birthday to you too Gabriela. When do we stop putting up the age? 10, 11? 12? I'd post mine, but age is irrelevant, especially when you're walking. It's something we all can do and enjoy-

the beautiful blue stone steps. Yesterday I was appreciative of the snow melt, but today I worry about how long it will be around, and what it will do to the stone.

A new day is dawning, and I'll be enjoying every minute. My beautiful friends are taking me to lunch at Gazelle's this afternoon. I plan to take my time today, linger in town this morning before heading back. I have time- since 9/11 we get our birthday off at work.

My lucky day! Mr. English and Chris! together!

I walk with these die-hard NY commuters to the train station. Yesterday there were big delays because of the snow and train doors freezing. I hope they have good ride in today. bye guys!

My sister would call this a pregnant roller skate. It's really, really hot!

everything about this is sinister..

and who knew the fire-restored Smith Brothers was so lovely inside? the lights and table are charming. I'd like to try it.

ART- 6:30 companion, wonderful, generous human being, and all around nice guy. Married to an equally wonderful friend! blessings! and nice to see you outside.

One of the best things about the Village Cafe is the comfortable feeling- very welcoming, very much "our" place. A coffee spill, and everyone pitches in to clean it up in a flash.

Michael- nice to meet you. You have a lovely wife too. It's a pleasure to meet the talented person behind the extraordinary planters we enjoyed all over town last year. I'm envious of the snowdrops you saw already. I think they only show their faces to true-blue gardeners.
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