OK- you have my attention. I don't think there is a need to preach about the Luxury part. We are all feeling the bite, and when we worry about making a mortgage payment, luxury is a foreign concept. Since the downturn it's been a season of Lent- people giving up so many things, big and small. It's almost easy this Lent because we have been doing it all along. My prayer is that we can continue to work and keep the roof over our heads in this dire time. It extends to all my neighbors and fellow Ridgewoodites.
Happpy birthday MAYA!!
The wind last night was ferocious. It was strong enough to blast these down like dominoes.
I did not realize until last month that these are new doors. the old ones did not have windows. they are lovely, I heard they are much better for energy saving, and it's really nice that they let in the light.
A VINO! I have a Vino- in fact, I have this exact scooter- same color, same model, same 85 miles to the gallon. The owner tells me the kick start is really great in the cold. I've never tried it, but take a lesson. Anyone with saddle bags is serious!
just take a lesson from these winter survivors
already showing themselves
in these below freezing AMs
If they can push themselves through frozen
soil, we can push ourselves through our
most solid barriers
Keep hope- always
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