Unpredicatable March
It wll be lamb-like later- right now it's chilly
I see Mike and he's bundled
I'm running late
I see Maddie but way up from town
She knows Mike
she met him at a tree lighting years ago
He told her about the blog
I get her email to give her the blog address- I love making walking friends
It' late so I need to speed it up
It's a good morning
so is everyting at
Best of Everything
I'm on Franklin
and I'm praying for Maureen O'Connor Martin
she was just out running..
I avoid the corner of Chestnut where she was hit
I know she was operated on yesterday
and that we all still need to pray for her
she's a real walker
starting out in the dark
and the cold
every day
I haven't seen her in a while
This explains it
She changed her route
high jump?
One morning I see a fight at the corner between 2 drivers
Days later I see the police setting out cones
They are there the next day too-
this time 2 police cars
I see a woman drop off her son right behind the police car
He approaches her and keeps her there for 3 turns of the traffic light
It does not matter that there are tons of cars behind her
I ask him about the cones
You can't drop off kids anywhere before the cone area
there is No Stopping or Standing
It's not safe
and I know it can lead to an altercation
the policeman tells a student to get back on the sidewalk
It's unsafe to stand in the street
"Didn't I tell you the same thing yesterday?" he says
Want to cross?
Push the Cross Ridgewood Avenue button
The cops are on edge
So am I
Stay safe, be alert, obey the safety rules
and even so, keep super tuned in to the cars
because they don't always stop
I'm praying for Maureen O'Connor Martin