It's black outside. It's not morning- it's still night! How can we manipulate time this way?
I was enjoying the morning more and more with daily increasing light.
I am back to night walking.
I have a job to do
I have a job to do
Today I am the time police- the clock WATCHman.
I plan to check the clocks- all the clocks.
I start with my own. Already time is an issue. My plan was to leave at 5:45.
I did not expect anything more from you...ever steady, never moving....
My approach is in the dark. My favorite timepiece stands regally in my path....affirming my pace, or chiding me with lost minutes for my distracting shutter-bug wandering.
Terry was right behind me and catches me at the clock. I can't go with her
- I, like the night WATCHman, have more clocks to check...
Can it be? You of all, the youngest and most beautiful of all? You are my first choice, my checkpoint, my readable, believable favorite..
How can this be? I thought you would be true!
Train station- check!
Happy, conversational and on time!
Train station indoor clocks- check!
Fr. Sean assured me they are all changed...
and they are...

Don' t count on this one and expect to catch that bus..
You were stuck last time I checked

Cleaners- check!

Train tracks- check!
You were stuck last time I checked
What a good surprise.
almost missed this
tsk! tsk! Office
Cleaners- check!
Train tracks- check!
Bagel shop- check!
O you beautiful Ridgewood Cafe- so lovely and so reliable too.
Check!Dunkin- check!

You are so elegant, so perfectly poised- why can't you work too?
You get double billing for shaping up and surprising me today.

You are so elegant, so perfectly poised- why can't you work too?
You get double billing for shaping up and surprising me today.
Bank of America, check! check!
Who fixed you?
Coffee shop - check!
Again, how could you let me down today? You are the one I count on!
Pancake House is on the ball!...
All the morning servers are all up to speed today.
Cleaners- Very pretty, but inaccurate.
He knows. It's just not changed yet.
very pretty.Your age and grace make me forgive your unmoving hands. I was so surprised when I heard your wonderful bells another morning, and hope I can figure out the ringing schedule.
I don't always know what time it is.
If the outdoor timekeepers kept up with the task, I bet I'd always better at arriving at my destination OT
Kids don't use clocks or watches any more- it's true, the cellphone is the timepiece of the current generation.
It annoys me to keep pulling it out of my pocket, especially when it's cold enough to freeze my hand off.
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