Happy Birthday Josephine!
A few minutes late (3), and the whole morning routine changes.
I love knowing the birds are up with me. The sound of their morning worksong is so cheerful. Even though I can't see them, they surround me. It is brighter every day, and today is nice.
My hands could use gloves, and good thing I wore the down jacket.
Just as I get to the corner 2 power walkers intercept me.
How I admire them. They run every morning with Steve. They are not "40 day this-or-that." They are real runners- real athletes. On their off day they walk. They know the (real) Ridgewood Walker- Eileen, and they have not seen her lately either.
Lucky me today- I make tremendous time keeping up with their good pace.
We are in town tout suite.. Go ladies! Say hi to Steve. He takes only this one day off...
The Bakery is out, and the Tulip Cafe is coming. I'm sad to see the Bakery go,
they were always so nice there.
Terry's rainbow sky
Lamps and buses- ..these are a few of my favorite things
the sun casts a beautiful hue on the building. It is extraordinary how beautiful it looks in the morning glow.
I have discovered why they let the old clock go....
...there is a new one in the courtyard. It has 2 faces and is a beauty.
How will the kids be on time if this is the time they go by?
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