I can't resist... Times Square was so crisp and lively last night

the exact opposite of what I want
as I begin my morning on the last official walk of Lent
when it is so cold
it could be winter again
I love the quiet and isolation
of our Village
that is still asleep

What to wear? White is s elegant

Be Green
Not Mean

Couldn't take the freezing and thawing?
or vandals?

Easter Bonnet
with all the fills upon it...
I wish it fit me

moving out of the station

At the Monday Chrism mass in Newark the oils were blessed

Lorraine at the train station has the place cozy and decorated to the hilt!
It's so intimate. Passengers find a true respit in their hectic day.

The place speaks of WELCOME!

smaller than my Vino

where have all the shopping carts gone?
Under the train trestle

Train clock is OK-
it better be!

Hanging a new shingle

It's just above freezing, and we are back to full winter wear. It's only one degree warmer than Queeche VT at this hour.

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