Thank you Lal! It was so nice to come home to your message!

Can't help but wonder what the the weather was when I was born. Guaranteed it was not nearly 50 degrees at 6AM. This is still an anomaly for early March. I remember freezing cold snow- filled winters.

Busssssssss goes by

Daylight as THE Ridgewood Walker blurs by. she does not stop.

nice to have 24 hour post office access...

up a few degrees from 6AM

hello Cafe friends! Thanks for the birthday capuccino Mike, and the nice chat!

Does not look open- but it is!

Robert- miss you at the 6:30

plenty of parking

Tulip peeping up

Thank you my wonderful friends and family- I love you!...blessings on all of you!
Linda, it was a special gift to get a morning hug from you today!

This was not here yesterday
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