Sunday, April 1, 2007


Sunday, overcast, no real "weather. I do not realize this is day 40. My plan is to visit the first snowdrops at the river.

I come upon a memorial bench, with a loving tribute to a Mom. I am moved to tears. It is a gesture of love. I add my prayer to hers.

My snowdrops are beraggled but proudly hold up their heads.

Other flowers bloom

I was unaware that snowdrops opened

I re-visit the artifacts I came across in the snow. They still look like sculpture.
There is a big mill stone among them I did not see before because it was snowed over.

Sonny of the Park service tells me these pieces were moved to the park from the Old Mill in Paramus. The mill was moved too, here to this spot. It was a wooden building. A Ridgewood schoolteacher moved in. (history teacher?)
Trying to stay warm, he accidentally burned the mill down.
Only the few mill pieces elicit the tale. Sonny wintessed the dismantling of the mill as it was prepared for transport to Ridgewood. I asked him to please leave the snow in the park for a few hours so the cross country skiiers can enjoy the white...
there appear to be more runners than skiers....

I followed the river upstream. It meaners nicely. I am not the only one who followed the river.
It's hard to make out the animal print below, but deer have been seen in Ridgewood-

Have I ever seen this sign driving?
I think not.

Washington walked through New Jersey
he was here
so am I

I find a second mill stone of the day.
this one is perfectly preserved in a garden
also from Parmus

in the Biblical garden

Imagine! we kept this precious schoolhouse intact.
what a fantastic monument
to our predecessors

let there be Peace
thank you for the message
it is brilliant at night


Twinney Pond.
I thought there would be more water
the last time I stood here
it was frozed solid and skaters were gliding along

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