Tuesday, April 17, 2007

saturday April 14

I have been wanting to try other ways of getting around, and one is by Kayak. I did not know if it was possible, but I yearned to find out. Could I make it from Saddle River to Ridgewood? I started to think about it more seriously when I found the snowdrops on the banks, and walked up the river one morning to scope it out.
It's so neat that one trek could lead to another.
The water is shallow, but deep enough in most spots from Hollywood Avenue in Saddle River to Ridgewood Avenue. there are a few little riffs, some spots that I had to portage. A handful of fishermen were surprised to see me, and I was surprised to see them.
I have never noticed this little footbridge before.
Looking back at Linwood Avenue was fun. It's hard to recognize the bridges from underneath-
I had walked to this part, and as far upriver from here as I could.

Ridgewood Avenue
Deer tracks were really fresh

I decided to come out at the Duck Pond where it was easy to get out.
I had to disturb an artist at work- I had seen her from the river when I paddled by.

I had to talk to her- I love artists.
Yvette Balboa is sketching all the park benches.
the sketches are gorgeous!
Unbelievably, we ran into each other in the Post Office on Monday- Ridgewood is like that.
we both like benches
The bench she was working on, and the spot she was sitting on were completely under water the next day.
Yvette, I hope I can see the entire series when it's finished.

walker's equipment

I needed some basic tools for walking. The lovely boots below were needed for trecking in the Saddle River and other bodies of water- yesterday they met their match when faced with 13 inches of water in the basement. They received several compliments, and in spite of their looks, they are very, very useful.

These Canadians saved me over and over again. they kept me warm on the coldest days, and were sturdy and true especially on ice and packed snow. They came from Quebec where they know about these things.
I wore these the most.

Merrills are the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn. These were first tried in Ireland where walking is demanding, common and fabulous. Of my 40 days, these were used the least.

LL Beans are snow ready. I am amazed to think how many times since February 21st they were needed. They got me through 2 major snow storms, and torrential rains.

St. Patrick's Day was their biggest workout.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Saturday, April 7, 2007


I'm out of words for describing winter and cold. They have been used over and over again to tell of this spring. I'm cold again.

This last week I have been hoping for a good picture of Mike. The light has been better at 6, adn I think I can get a decent picutre using the flash.
No dice- never saw him.
So, if you don't believe this coincidence, it's OK- I don't believe it either...
Margie, Mike's wife is walking towards me on the Avenue!
Hey Mike! Look at this!- your substitute!

My croci-daffs are happily alive

Go in this postal building day or night- it's always open.
the machine will serve you

How do you choose one from among so many lovely faces?

cart parking

The dog is back.
the geese and ducks keep their distance when he is out in his immobile state
the robbins like his company
where has he been the last few days?
how did he get back?


Fratelli's has a lovely new fountain

did I mention how cold it is?

Lots of big, big changes in the beloved Post Office
Once, the scene of a terrible massacre
they always helped me in there
Notice anything missing?
what about the Ridgewood Local box?
all mail goes to Teterboro. Period.
Even if it comes back here- it goes to the big machine in Teterboro first, and the machine sends it back here.
Oh, and they don't open the window until 10. It's locked down- looks like a steel cage.
The machine can help you with whatever you need.
you can send a registered letter, a Priority Package, buy stamps
be preparded to spend a 1/2 hour
dont' come unless you have a credit card
where have all the people gone?

Local box missing

Stay closed for a while
it's way too cold for delicate blooms


My start today is a little after 7. It is winter again. Really winter. Cold. Wanda and I hustle uptown to the Cafe. Today will be another adventure. Wanda is here from Florida, and the weather does not meet her April expectations.
It does not meet mine either.
We intersect Gene who has already come to Ridgewood by train from the south. He stops in Ridgewood for breakfast at the Cafe. Then he hops back on the train and goes off to work to Allendale. Fascinating. I always thought of the train going in the opposite direction- to New York. Allendale is a few minutes uptrain.
Wanda and Gene are with the good conductor. The conductors must be picked for their dispositions.. they are friendly and helpful. It must be tough to jump off the train at every stop without a coat on.

There are not that many onboard. Some of the passengers are headed to Suffern. The train will stop a few times until it leaves us in .....

Goodbye Gene! Have a good workday!

Nice Allendale clock- it took less than 10 minutes to get here.

Downtown Allendale is charming. The main street is lined with flags.
When I have dined in each and everyone of Ridgewood's 40+ restaurants, I will come here by train for dinner.

We need to be back by 8:30. The next train that stops in Ridgewood is 8:15. The ticket is $1.50 each way. You buy the ticket ahead of time or it's an exta $5surcharge . The train station is tiny, or seems so, because it is packed with commuters headed for the city. It's freezing outside- everyone is packed inside. It's NY quiet- nobody is chatting...

tunnels go under the tracks; it's not as tricky or big as Ridgewood Train Station

It's nice

It's snowing

It's cold

This is a place for me!

very quaint. you can walk up and back in less than 5 minutes.

Fewer people board the local.

The conductor tells me he's not cold
he does jump on and off
could that be enough to keep you warm?
I don't think so

Back in Ridgewood Penny gets us nice hot coffee and any kind of tea a Floridian could ask for

The Cheese Shop lets us in
the black truffle pate isan absolute classic
the 5 cheddar is the kid's favorite

wrapped in leaves, it takes finesse to cut this wheel
alas, I part without a taste

You can shout it on the mountain top-
they won't hear because they are on their cell phones
Watch out for Pedestrians!
I asked about the no cell phones in the stores-
it's rude, people are shouting, it's hard to help them...