Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy 100th Birthday Graydon Park!

Happy 100th Birthday Graydon Park!

May 6, 2010

Thank you Samuel Graydon for this glittering gem!

100 years ago you did not come to the great celebration held here
dedicating this place that you gave to the town to be its first park.
You declined to have it named for you
and so it was named Linwood Park instead.
What else remains in Ridgewood from 1910, that is unchanged and so lovely?
May 6 1910
an oak, and ash and a plane were planted
as part of the dedication ceremony.
the whole town was here.
Poetry was recited, songs were sung, speeches were made.
All was fitting for such a great, great gift.
Today, 100 years later to the day,
you are remembered by all who have enjoyed the water
the trees
the sand
-the simple and simply memorable days
spent here
as swimmers and skaters

the birthday card is written
by Advay- he who has no siblings- manger of the Warner Theater

And those of us who remembered

with great tales
Of how friendships were made
and how the partnership between Marcia Ringel and Suzanne Kelly
to fight for our brilliant Graydon
sprang from the symbol of nature-
a duck

And again the great staff at the Warner
made edits
and allowed for picture taking
.... while remembering swimming in Graydon as kids
Happy birthday Graydon Park
As Marcia said... we are only temporary stewards.
How we act now will determine your fate.
We pray you are in good hands.
As they say in Polish
Sto Lat! Sto Lat!
100 years! 100 years!
may you live 100 years!