Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy 100th Birthday Graydon Park!

Happy 100th Birthday Graydon Park!

May 6, 2010

Thank you Samuel Graydon for this glittering gem!

100 years ago you did not come to the great celebration held here
dedicating this place that you gave to the town to be its first park.
You declined to have it named for you
and so it was named Linwood Park instead.
What else remains in Ridgewood from 1910, that is unchanged and so lovely?
May 6 1910
an oak, and ash and a plane were planted
as part of the dedication ceremony.
the whole town was here.
Poetry was recited, songs were sung, speeches were made.
All was fitting for such a great, great gift.
Today, 100 years later to the day,
you are remembered by all who have enjoyed the water
the trees
the sand
-the simple and simply memorable days
spent here
as swimmers and skaters

the birthday card is written
by Advay- he who has no siblings- manger of the Warner Theater

And those of us who remembered

with great tales
Of how friendships were made
and how the partnership between Marcia Ringel and Suzanne Kelly
to fight for our brilliant Graydon
sprang from the symbol of nature-
a duck

And again the great staff at the Warner
made edits
and allowed for picture taking
.... while remembering swimming in Graydon as kids
Happy birthday Graydon Park
As Marcia said... we are only temporary stewards.
How we act now will determine your fate.
We pray you are in good hands.
As they say in Polish
Sto Lat! Sto Lat!
100 years! 100 years!
may you live 100 years!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 8, 2010

Newpaper stories and pictures of Jane Burke departing for Haiti
were taped to "Jane's chair" in January for the 8 days she was in Haiti
and the days following, until she was able to recover.
Today we heard the remarkable story
of her Medical Mission to Haiti, just days after the devastating earthquake struck.
Jane's Medical team was able to get to Haiti as first responders
because of their experiece on several previous missions.

Jane Rymer invited the 6:30 AM ers to coffee at her house

after the 6:30

The coffee cake was warm, and the coffee was perfect

It was nice to see each other outside of the pews...

Jane in her scrubs was ready to show us some of her pictures of Haiti
before she headed off to work at Hackensack Medical

It's an amazing story of courage and of extreme generosity

In her spirited and kind way Jane took us into Haiti
among the hurt, the happy, the helped,
and the workers-
who endured severe conditions
with no rest, no food, no medical supplies
except those they brought with them
Jane's Medical team formed a non-profit group
raise money for medical supplies that the team will take with them
on future medical missions
Inspire Haiti is 501C organization. Tax deductible donations and can be made to:
Inspire Haiti
c/o Jane Burke
4-15 4th St.Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Fairlawn, NJ
Jane is planning on going back to Haiti on the next mission

The stories were mesmerizing and uplifting

We admire you Jane
You Inspire us
We are proud to know you, and know what great care and vital service you and your team provided
at a critical time.
You are our bridge to a struggling Haiti
God bless your team and God bless you!

April 5, 2010

April 3, 2010

April 1, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31, 2010, Friday

In the high 40s
no rain
slight wind
lights on
team of 4 is out
Ridgewood Runner passed me earlier

No, No NO

Jerry on his way home
he's a fast walker
he wanted to know what happened to the big lamp post top
the fountain is filled to the brink
Nice job Eileen! you and daughter braved that Saturday biting cold to make Ridgewood lovelier
thank you!
Oh no